Whether it is an unusual crime, a scandal, or a societal change, news is something that affects our lives. The purpose of news media is to educate and inform the public about the happenings around us. In addition, news helps people to gain knowledge about government policies and other topics.
For example, a major news story can be an unexpected event like the Boston Marathon bombings or a coup d’etat in a neighboring country. These events may impact the stability of the country where they occur. It could also affect the stability of our own country.
Other stories can be entertainment or controversy. In these cases, there is a mix of social, cultural, and political influences. This can create fluctuations in news values. In addition, the environment in which journalists work can influence news.
A good news story has positive overtones. It is interesting and important to the reader. A bad news story has negative overtones. This is why a journalist checks the news for accuracy, fairness, and objectivity. Then, he or she prescribes a set of judgment guidelines for the news.
Money stories are a big part of news. Besides the budget, we have wage rises and compensation claims, school fees, and food prices. These are just a few examples of money stories.
Weather is another topic of interest to the public. When the temperature is unusually low or high, it can affect daily activities. Similarly, a storm may cause unusual conditions.
Entertainment stories include show business, animals, cartoons, and entertaining photographs. These may be presented in print, on radio, or on the Internet. They can also be related to health or medical research. These stories can be emotional and interesting. In addition, news sources can provide insights that are not provided by scholarly sources.
A controversy can also create interest in the public. For example, if a prominent person falls from power, the news will focus on the fall. The controversy can also be about how the person’s position in the workplace hierarchy influences their decisions. The controversy can also be about a scandal that involves a prominent person.
Some stories are interesting for a very small amount of money. For instance, if a peasant farmer comments on a topic, the news may not be newsworthy. But if a prominent farmer is involved in a scandal, it would be a newsworthy story.
An insect discovery could be considered a major news story. While it is likely to have a small impact on the general public, it could have a large impact on a specialist publication. This type of story might be significant in a general news broadcast, but not in a specialist publication.
The impact of a news story is measured by how many people are affected. Usually, the larger the loss of life, the more impact the news will have on the audience.
There are two models that describe how news is made: the Political Model and the Organizational Model. Both models describe how the news is made by political pressures and ideologies of different people.